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The Sheffield culture guide written by in-the-know locals

Tilly Edwards

Our Favourite Places would be nothing without our contributors — a massive thanks to all of them!

Tell us about you...
Hello, I’m Tilly Edwards. I’m an aspiring video journalist originally from Sheffield, but currently studying at UWE Bristol. I love learning about people and I want to use my films to show the beauty in ordinary lives. So whatever you’re passionate about, let's make a film!

What's your favourite place in Sheffield?
My favourite place in Sheffield would be Ladies Spring Woods because I spent countless hours walking and thinking in those woods during lockdown. It reminds me of a more peaceful time in my life during the chaos of the pandemic.

What would you do to improve the city?
I would add more spaces for creatives to explore their careers and passions, as I feel as though Sheffield lacks creative hubs for young people to thrive in. There are so many people in Sheffield wanting to go down a creative path but Sheffield is not providing for them, making them leave to do it in different cities. So let's change that and bring it back home!

Tilly spent some time with poet and musician Otis Mensah in September 2022 as he prepped for his event Resonance at Millennium Gallery. Watch Tilly's video interview with Otis, where chats about what poetry means to him and creating creative dialogue in Sheffield.

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Otis Mensah

Sheffield's first poet laureate. A radical performer with a clear vision of poetry and rap as a means of communicating emotion.