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The Sheffield culture guide written by in-the-know locals

Endcliffe Park Heritage Walk

Free – book in advance

Get to know the history of the park – from 1885 when it was opened to the public to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Jubilee to the present. Through historical pictures and a guided tour around Endcliffe Park it will be possible to find out more about how the area has changed over the last 150 years, becoming one of the city’s most popular green spaces.

Meet by Hunter's Bar entrance to the park.

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Sheffield Central Library

Our neoclassical library is beautiful inside and out. Lit up at night, it quietly reminds passersby that it's always there, ready to satisfy their quests for knowledge. Inside, there's the marble columns, oak fittings, and, of course, tons of books.

Sheffield General Cemetery

A hillside spot for both the living and the dead, containing stories of wars, epidemics, floods and more between 1836 and 1978. Today it's rich in history, wildlife and architecture. Look out for upcoming gigs, film screenings and exhibitions.

Sheffield Cathedral

From its Norman bricks to its 1960s tower, Sheffield Cathedral is full of stories. It could take you several visits to take it all in.