One more animated film from Kelham Island Film Club – also linked to Paprika by the theme of dreams.
Waking Life explores a wide range of philosophical issues – including the nature of reality, dreams and lucid dreams, consciousness, the meaning of life, free will, and existentialism. It follows a young man who wanders through a succession of dreamlike realities wherein he encounters a series of people who engage in insightful philosophical discussions.
The entire film was digitally rotoscoped. It contains several parallels to its director Richard Linklater's 1991 film Slacker. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy reprise their characters from the 1995 Before Sunrise in one scene.
It premiered at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival and was released on October 19, 2001, receiving critical acclaim.
As always, ticket holders are privy to drink deals and popcorn.
The film starts at 8pm – arrive early to get a drink before it begins.
From the organisers: "At Kelham Island Film Club and Alder Bar we try our best to be as accessible as possible to all our patrons. If there’s anything you require, or if there’s anything you don’t think we’re doing well enough, please feel free to contact us and let us know."